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Correio newspaper | Monday horoscope (10/21); see predictions for your sign



Monday horoscope (10/21); see predictions for your sign

Stardate: Mercury and Saturn in trine.

  • Photo by author Oscar Quiroga

Published on October 21, 2024 at 05:00

Humans tend to treat each other with excessive rigor, always willing to lecture about the possible mistakes that similar and different people make, criticizing failures, sometimes with the good will to educate, but most of the time as part of a choreography based on severity and moralism.

Do we treat our similar and different people this way because we are and have always been treated? Our parents repeated the rigor with which they were educated and, motivated by the certainty that limits must be set for children, they did not realize when they were too heavy, and when that weight could have been replaced by understanding affection.

Rigor is applied to encourage obedience, but how can we convince new generations that they must be obedient to a system that oppresses them?

ARIES: The obvious nervousness that circulates in social relationships can no longer be justified by what is happening in the world, it is something that people could control, if they did not accommodate themselves to the tragic feeling.

TOURO: Everything seems to confirm your distrust, but this is the result of you arguing in favor of distrust, and not daring to, at least for a moment, try something different this time. Confidence is good.

TWINS: It is more important to do what is necessary in the name of moving forward than to continue to pressure people and facts to fit into your list of preferences. Necessity is the true mother of destiny.

CANCER: The best thing to do is to keep your head on straight and not allow yourself to be contaminated by the anxiety of those close to you, because even if there are serious and difficult matters going on, by coming to your senses everything will be resolved.

LION: You have resources left to deal with what happens, so even if your soul feels intimidated for a moment, try to overcome this feeling as quickly as possible and recover yourself.

VIRGIN: Even if certain people cause you inconvenience, this time you prefer to avoid conflict and try to make peace as quickly as possible, because this will make it easier for you to move forward without useless distractions.

LIBRA: Everything that happened in the past still reverberates in your soul, and prevents you from doing things that could be very efficient at the moment. It’s time to cut ties with the past, and take the opportunity to launch into a new cycle.

SCORPIO: Better not to expect everything to be simple and easy, because the scenario requires a lot of attention and care on your part. However, it wouldn’t be the case that your soul was tense all the time, expecting the worst. Not that.

SAGITTARIUS: With your head in the right place and a lot of sense, these postures will help you choose wisely what to do in the face of the lack of control that some people present. Do your best to keep them from contaminating your mood.

CAPRICORN: Sometimes you have to do what other people don’t dare and even you wouldn’t do, not because you’re afraid, but because it wouldn’t be your style or your desire. It’s not always possible to act as you wish.

AQUARIUM: These colossal worries that make your soul feel diminished in the face of life’s challenges may even be somewhat realistic, however, it would also be realistic for you to value your ability to handle everything.

FISH: In the face of adversities that present themselves, quickly overcome the vertigo of fear and return to your axis, because, you will see, through experience, that you will get the job done and much more.

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