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Correio newspaper | Aneel sends a summons to Enel SP for delay in restoring energy



Aneel sends a summons to Enel SP for delay in restoring energy

The October 11 storm left more than 2 million consumer units without power

  • Photo by the author Estadão

Published on October 21, 2024 at 11:37 pm

Credit: Agência Brasil

The National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) recently reported that a subpoena was sent to Enel SP due to “recurrence regarding unsatisfactory service to consumers in emergency situations”. The subpoena begins the process for subsequent evaluation of the recommendation for the concession to expire.

The October 11 storm left more than 2 million consumer units without power. Aneel cites non-compliance with the contingency plan agreed by the distributor with the national regulator and the Public Services Regulatory Agency of the State of São Paulo (Arsesp).

“The company’s subpoena is part of a report of failures and transgressions, which initiates the process for evaluating the expiry recommendation to be assessed by Aneel’s Board of Directors and then forwarded to the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME)”, the agency quotes in a note.

Next Monday, the process will be distributed for reporting in the weekly public session. The distributor has 15 days from receipt of the term to present its statement.

“Aneel’s Board of Directors will evaluate the elements brought by the distributor in its statement, at which time it will decide whether it is appropriate to recommend the expiry of the concession to the MME”, says the note.

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