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Correio newspaper | MEIs and small companies accumulate debt of more than R$1.2 billion in Bahia



MEIs and small companies accumulate debt of more than R$1.2 billion in Bahia

Small businesses will be excluded from Simples Nacional if they do not regularize payments within 30 days

  • Photo by author(s) One Polcri

Published on October 22, 2024 at 05:30

More than 97 thousand Bahian entrepreneurs were notified by the IRS

More than 97 thousand Bahian entrepreneurs were notified by the IRS Credit: Pixabay/Reproduction

Individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs) and owners of microenterprises (ME) or small businesses (EPP) registered with Simples Nacional must regularize their debts or will be excluded from the program. The Federal Revenue notified those who have debts through the Electronic Tax Domicile (DTE) this month. After accessing the pending report, taxpayers have up to 30 days to pay or pay in installments the amounts due. In Bahia alone, the program accumulates more than R$1.282 billion in debt.

Simples Nacional is a program that unifies taxes and offers benefits to small entrepreneurs who earn up to R$3.6 million per year. According to the Federal Revenue, Bahia has 60,209 MEIs with debts to the Union, the total value of the debt reaches R$ 173,411.09. The amount of debt owed by small companies in Bahia is R$1,109,580,591. There are 37,319 enterprises in debt.

If the debts are not negotiated, the legal entity will be excluded from the unified taxation program from January 1, 2025. In this case, it is still possible to request re-entry into Simples Nacional, which is only permitted in the first month of each year.

The taxpayer’s return to the system will only be allowed following a rigorous assessment that will investigate whether there are outstanding debts with the Union, states or municipalities. If there is, entry will not be authorized. Adriana Pereira, technical analyst at the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), in Salvador, explains what the penalties are for those who owe money.

“The MEI that has debts is considered unfit and will have difficulties issuing invoices and maintaining a legal entity account in a bank. In the case of micro and small companies, the CNPJ may be suspended, they will not be able to carry out bank transactions and access lines of credit , in addition to being prevented from making contracts with the public administration”, he says.

Economist Edval Landulfo assesses which reasons may explain why taxpayers are in default. “There is the issue of default by entrepreneurs, including those who have not recovered from the pandemic. Another factor may be that they have exceeded the revenue limit and have not informed the Federal Revenue Service. In addition to carrying out other activities that cannot be included in Simples Nacional “, he states.

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