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To the sound of the pagoda, an electric trio draws a crowd of young Catholics through the streets of the center


Someone will definitely find the beat very similar to the swing of a pagoda. The break is also released, as is the choreography. So far, so good. From afar, you might think it’s already Carnival or some trio that jumped to February and we didn’t even notice it. At least until you hear the chorus: ‘I go, I go to the house of the Lord’. Young, Catholic people, full of faith and a lot of energy, left Municipal Square until returning along Avenida Sete following the band Alto Louvor, during the celebration of National Youth Day. The event, which this year had the theme “Youth in the Culture of Encounter”, brought together more than 1,500 people this Sunday morning (20) with a program that also included a mass presided over by the ecclesiastical assistant of the Youth Sector, Father Deivisson Batista and a blessing from the auxiliary bishop, Dom Valter Magno de Carvalho. “Youth Day is celebrated throughout Brazil, and the objective of the Catholic Church is to bring together all young people to praise God, but also to celebrate being young, fraternity, making friends, celebrating God”, said Father Deivisson Batista . Young Catholics from all parishes in Salvador and the metropolitan region gathered in the city center to participate in the event which, in addition to music, also included a water truck swim right in front of Praça Castro Alves. “Young people like radicality and coherence. The radicality of the gospel and coherence through testimony. They are attracted to faith and the church because that is what young people expect”, said the priest, amid the approval this year by Pope Francis of the canonization of Carlo Acutis as ‘patron saint of the internet’. Died in 2006 at the age of 15, the blessed Italian evangelized on the internet, had two recognized miracles and should be made official as a saint in 2025. “He will be the saint of youth. Acutis did everything a young person does just to evangelize”, he added. A Catholic since she was born, Clara Mascarenhas, 22, made a point of participating and accompanying the trio throughout the journey: “I’m a Catholic from birth, my family is all Catholic and I’ve always participated in church events. It’s important to bring my faith to the streets and show that it is alive and young.” Ester Bonfim, 25 years old, gathered almost 30 friends (and friends of friends) from the Cajazeiras neighborhood to participate in Youth Day. “We participated throughout the week in various activities in our parish and today is the end of all this experience we had. I come for the church and also to show that the Catholic youth of Salvador are present and strong.” From the parish of Santo André, in Vale das Pedrinhas, Emilly Lane, 14 years old, came accompanied by her whole family. “In addition to socializing, it is our time with God.” Maria Eduarda Cerqueira, 12 years old, agrees: “I need this moment. I’m here with incredible people to experience youth.”

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